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Search Your Villa

How to book

  • How to choose:

    • Choose between the available houses through different search criteria: geographic area, number of people, number of rooms, holiday period.
    • Select the houses you are interested in and check the details on the related data sheets.
    • If you cannot decide between two or more houses, or if you need more information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    • Any information concerning "General Lease Conditions" is shown on a dedicated page on the website.
    • Any information concerning "Special Lease Conditions" of each house is shown in the related and dedicated data sheet.

    How to conclude the contract:

    • Once you have found the house that satisfies your requirements, please fill in the inquiry form and we will reply as soon as possible (within 24 hours) in order to first confirm the actual availability in the indicated period.
    • Together with the above confirmation, we will send you a separate e-mail message that contains a link.
    • You will have to download and print the contract proposal from the link by filling it in with your data; sign it at all indicated points and send it to us via fax within 48 hours after you receive the confirmation of actual availability.
    • Once we have checked the completeness of the received proposal, we will send a signed copy to you for acceptance, in the name and on behalf of the owner of the chosen property.
    • The contract will be considered concluded when you will have received the acceptance of the proposal previously submitted by you via fax.

    When and how to pay:

    • You shall then immediately pay a 30% deposit on the price, in addition to the percentage due to the travel agency (2%).
    • Once we receive the payment we will send you the related receipt via e-mail.
    • In case the payment is not received within five days after the conclusion of the contract, the latter shall be considered automatically terminated.
    • The balance shall instead be paid within eight weeks prior to arrival (we will send an alert e-mail when the due date approaches)
    • Once we receive the balance, we will send you the voucher, together with the related receipt, and the telephone number to contact the owner/lessor upon your arrival. 

    How to terminate the contract:

    • You may terminate the contract by written notice at any time, without having the right; however, to be paid back the amounts you might have possibly paid for any reason.

    How to customise your stay:

    • In addition, and thanks to our familiarity with the territory, we will be glad to help you plan your vacation and customise it according to your interests at any time. We will pay attention to your needs and we will send you our service form with in-house assistance (welcome dinner, first grocery shopping, cradle, etc.), our brochures and itineraries, by means of which we will be able to help you better plan your stay in Tuscany, if you so like. You will find the specifications of the various services in the individual data sheets of each house, in the "services" and "policies and rates" sections.